BRC's CEO & President, Muzzy Rosenblatt is one of 150 New York- based experts participating in a major new report for how New York City policymakers can make progress toward a more equitable city.
Last week, the Center for an Urban Future published City of Aspiration: 150 Ideas from New Yorkers for Building a More Equitable NYC, a major new report that features concrete ideas from 150 New York-based leaders and national experts for how New York City policymakers can make progress toward a more equitable city. BRC's CEO & President, Muzzy Rosenblatt is one of 150 New York- based experts participating with his idea #113, "Legalize Single Room Occupancy housing to provide affordable housing."
BRC knows that the system changes we believe are necessary cannot be achieved by BRC alone; rather, we must play a more active role with our respected colleagues across all sectors. We proactively share our knowledge with our peers and engage in collaborative efforts to address shared challenges.
Learn more:
“How to Make the City More Equitable for All,” a NY-1 interview about the report with CUF’s Jonathan Bowles.